Dental Implants near Me in Danvers, MA

Dental implants are one of the best ways to restore your smile. Come see how our Danvers, MA dentist team can help you.
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Missing teeth can have a devastating effect on someone’s physical and mental health. We may not know it, but it can really mess with our self-esteem. With dental implants, one can overcome the problem of missing teeth, and finally have the self-confidence to be themselves again.

Full Service Dental Implant Care

Dental implants are the most functional replacement for missing teeth. The procedure involves receiving a temporary crown at the same time as your dental implant. When the jaw heals, a permanent abutment is attached to an implant, which holds the permanent crown in place.

Unique & Specialized Care for Each Patient's Needs

Healthy teeth are necessary for dental implants. Before a treatment plan is started, x-rays are conducted to ensure that the mouth is structurally sound. A set of x-rays will reveal missing teeth and other issues.

It is important to maintain a healthy mouth, but what if you can’t meet the criteria? If a person is missing bone in their mouth and the structure is not able to support a tooth implant, it is still possible to receive implants. A patient would need to undergo a bone graft, which means harvesting bone from their body or using synthetic bone material. This is great for areas where resorption has occurred (when the bone has been absorbed by the body).

A Service You Can Trust

Everyone is unique, and this is where our Danvers, MA dentist team has years of experience in helping patients understand the process to meet their aesthetic and oral health needs. By understanding each patient’s unique needs, we can help them reach their desired results from the very beginning.

Once our Danvers, MA dentist team determines that your mouth and bone are healthy, the process of getting implants can begin. The dentist starts by drilling a hole to place the implant and shaping it so it fits the titanium post. After this, time is needed for the implant to bond with the bone. This could take anywhere from a few months to over a year; but when it has integrated with the bone, the abutment can be secured on top. Finally, the crown is connected and a missing tooth is replaced.

Superior Quality with Natural Results

As soon as you get your dental implants, it’s essential to maintain the highest standards of oral care to make sure they last. This means brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing, among other things. The bone takes its time to bond with the implant, so going to see Danvers’s dentist team at least once a month is important. If it seems like some plaque is forming and you’re not able to brush it off at home, it’s important to go to see our hygienist team who will use resin or plastic tools to guarantee great hygiene.

Dental implants can help you maintain your oral health and make a massive difference to the quality of your life. If you are self-conscious because of a missing tooth, dental implants can help fix the problem.

Get Your Confidence Back

Dental implants will allow you to regain your self-confidence and support your facial structure as you grow older. Dentures are not stable in the mouth like dental implants, which is why people who wear dentures have a difficult time speaking or laughing without being anxious about them falling out. Dental implants are secured by your jawbones, whereas dentures are more like prosthetics for your mouth.

For anyone who is missing a tooth or two, dental implants are an amazing option. They come with a variety of benefits, from improved appearance and comfort to better self-confidence. Interested in getting dental implants but worried about the cost? That’s where our Danvers, MA dentist office comes in. Contact us today to find out more about how dental implants can change your life.